Automated Hospital Laundry Complex, Kandy

Pilot Project for Setting Up a Fully Automated Laundry Complex at General Hospital, Kandy

With funds provided by the World Bank, the Ministry of Health completed this pilot project as the first automated, fully equipped integrated laundry complex in a hospital in Sri Lanka

Premium International secured the contract on a turnkey basis and was responsible for the overall successful project implementation


Project Description

The traditional method of laundry services in hospitals contaminate ground water and has the risk of spreading diseases. Identifying the critical need to regulate this process the Ministry of Health initiated this pilot project through the Health Sector Development Project (HSDP)

Facility Description

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    Design, reconstruction and modification of the building complex

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    Commissioning of a modern integrated laundry complex with equipment such as washer extractors, dryers, steam ironers, flat work ironers

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    Installation of 1500 kg/hour steam boiler

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    Construction of an effluent treatment plant

Premium's Scope

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    Design, civil construction and interior works

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    Commissioning and handing over of integrated automated laundry equipment

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    Commissioning of a high capacity boiler with fuel storage tank, transfer pumps and installation of diesel pipelines

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    Design and construction of an effluent treatment plant for the treatment of chemically contaminated water

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    Technical maintenance services during warranty and post warranty period