Arya Hospital – Rathnapura

Design, Consultancy and Project Management of Ratnapura Hospitals & Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd.

Arya Hospital is a multi-specialty secondary care facility with a total bed capacity of 50. This state of the art facility is the first purpose built modern hospital outside of Colombo

Premium International as Consultant and Project Manager was responsible for the turnkey development of this facility from conceptualization to realization


Facility Description

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    60,000 Sq Ft

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    8 storied modern complex

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    36 patient rooms

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    4 operating theatre suites

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    4 bed intensive care unit

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    4 bed premature baby unit

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    6 bed emergency treatment unit

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    20 consultant chambers

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    Endoscopy unit

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    Dialysis unit

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    Complete laboratory

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    Radiology unit with digital x-ray, CT, ultrasound & mammography

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    Cardiology unit with echo and exercise ECG

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    Outpatient department with pharmacy, dental and eye care units

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    Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)

Premium's Scope

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    Concept development, market research and validation.

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    Development of detailed feasibility and project proposal, financial structuring and obtaining regulatory approvals

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    Architectural design, master planning & all related engineering designs

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    Preparation of BOQ, tender documents, tendering, evaluation and award of contract, contract preparation and administration

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    Contract management and administration in accordance with ICTAD conditions of contract from the inception of the contract to handing over of the project

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    Project management during construction, supervision, certification and verification of site related technical works

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    Quality assurance and quality control, review and preparation of progress reports, coordinating multiple stake holder interests

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    Project completion in line with project time line, quality and cost, handing over and management of defect liability period